I've been at camp - twice. I've been in Florida for training. I've been working.
I haven't been reading info on the internet like I usually do. I did find this article about Medicare and Social Security Numbers. Agency Sees Theft Risk for ID Card in Medicare from The New York Times by Robert Pear.
There are times when state and private industry has the jump of the federal gov't. I don't give my social to anyone who 1) isn't paying me and has to report my earnings or 2) giving me a loan or line of credit. I guess I'm glad I'm not on Medicare.
If you have Medicare, who could you complain to that would listen and be able to do something about it? No one. Social security officials know it's a problem but the Medicare officials say it would cost too much. Hello - let's steal their identity and see how much it would cost them to get it fixed!
Dumb SH_TS!