Apr 3, 2008

Camp Honor

Found out this week that my youngest will not be able to attend camp due to a change in the rules for camp. He has to be 8 to go. Last year camp was later in the year andthe cutoff was 7, so he went. This year they decided too break his heart and not allow him to attend.

What BS. They are not making any exceptions to the rule. If they make an exception to mine they would have to make it for everyone. Just let him go - he's a child. Who do I have to bribe?

My youngest loves camp. The nurses know it, the Assocation knows it, the camp director knows it. Who made the new rule - why not put a grandfather clause in it. Since he went last year what is the problem. He wasn't home sick, he didn't cause fights, he doesn't eat "that much". LOL

Why can't I just go to the powers that be and request this. "It would show favoratism." Explain that to my kid......! What does he know about politics? He just wants to go to camp, meet up with his friends and HAVE FUN!


Cindi said...

Awww poor kiddo! I totally agree - they should've put a grandfather clause in there somewhere or make the policy change effective maybe next year or something instead of yanking it right out from under him like that! Sheesh!

Rixblix said...

Wow. I'd be really peeved and probably raise a big stink. Who funds the camp and who's poo-poo'ing his not going? Do they really have that many 7 year old for whom they'd have to "break" their rules?

My boys have attended camp in Michigan (when we lived in WI, there wasn't a camp and now that we are in IL, they want to stay at Bold Eagle)since the oldest was 8 and the youngest was 6. They were in the same session for 2 years and last year the age split required two sessions...and about 21 hours of driving for us. I wrote the camp director this year and asked if we could bump the younger one up to the older session because of the driving issue. Thank goodness they said yes.

I'd sit on it for a week or two and then push the issue.

So many kids DON'T want to try camp at your boy's age, what are they doing penalizing him for WANTING to go? It's imperative that we keep our younger guys interested in camp, otherwise there won't be a camp for the next generation.

Don't give up.

Cindi said...

Rixblix has a point - what is the point of this new policy re: age?

I'd be interested to know too.