Jul 21, 2008

Health Insurance Coverage Protection Act (S. 2706)

I know this is a 180 degree change from the previous 6/24 post .....
It's time to step up and let your elected officials know what is in our best interest. Healthcare costs have gone through the roof on the last 10 years. Back in the day I called up my HR department and asked them if they were going to raise the lifetime cap for our health insurance. Their response, "Why would we raise it? No one has reached it yet." Yet, being the operative word! I asked the person to write down my name cause I will reach each! I didn't tell her why or when but back then you could see the writing on the wall. Given I don't work for that company anymore but it would be interesting to see if they have raised it....
Now back on point.... The Senate and House both have bills to increase the lifetime cap on health insurance. The link below is from the National Hemophilia Association and for all of our benefit I urge you to take action and fill out the forn to send to your Senators and Representatives.

Health Insurance Coverage Protection Act (S. 2706)

Health Insurance Coverage Protection Act (H.R. 6528)

Thank you - It may not effect you now but that's always how it starts.

1 comment:

Cindi said...

Just wanted to stop by, say hey, and let you know I'm interested and reading your blog :)