Oct 16, 2008

Bottled Water is contaminated!??

In a two year study, a lab tests detected 38 chemicals in only 10 sampled brands. An average of 8 contaminants were found in each kind of bottled water. Contaminants include: coliform, bacteria, caffeine, acetaminophen, fertilizer, solvents, a radioactive element (strontium), chlorine byproducts, and plastic-making chemicals.

Other chemicals also found were arsenic, toluene, trihalomethanes. Go ahead and look up the ones you don't know anything about.

ARSENIC - A poison. TOLUENE - Cannot be excreted by regular means, so it must be metabolized by the body. 5% of the product is made into products that severely damage cells. TRIHALOMETHANES(THM) - Garbage term for chemical compounds in which three of the four hydrogen atoms of methane (CH4) are replaced by halogen atoms, like fluorine, chlorine, bromine, or iodine. Chloroform is the best known. Many THMs are carcinogenic - cause cancer.

Some of these contaminants came from pollutants often found in tap water. The Federal legal limit for THM is 80 parts per million(ppm), California has a limit of 10 ppm. Both Wal-Mart and Giant Food exceeded the International Bottled Water Association limit of 10 ppm. Wal-Mart's Sam's Choice water and Acadia of Giant Food supermarkets were over 35 ppm for THM. Wal-Mart also exceeded California's standard for a second chlorine byproduct, bromodichloromethane by five times.

Since chlorine is used as a disinfectant for tap water and bottled water is nothing more that tap water in a bottle, chlorine byproducts in bottled tap water should be expected. There are no better regulations on bottled water than that of tap water. Why are we are just willing to pay 1,900 times the cost for bottled tap water than we would pay for tap water.

My suggestion: Buy a filter for your sink or your house.

Just remember:

BUY a filter or BE a filter.

I'd rather buy a filter.

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