Oct 17, 2008

What an I putting on my body?

Ever want to know what those long words we can't pronounce on the back our shampoo, toothpaste, makeup, soap, or other consumer products we use every day?

Here is a site that ranks the chemicals from 0(low hazard) to 10(high hazard). I don't know how they have done the ranking but it's a tool to discover what we are using on and in our bodies.

Click here - SKIN DEEP then type the ingredient you want to know more about or you can type the product name.

For example:
Water has a score of 0.
Barbasol Shaving Cream W/ Aloe Vera has a score of 5.
Jason natural cosmetics satin soap has a score of 5.
Benzene has a score of 10.

Thanks to Miryam (mama o' the matrices) for showing me this website.

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