Feb 25, 2008

Premiums would start low...... just like the Gov't Budget

Let's say there would be a minimum benefits package for Mandated Health Insurance. What would be excluded - Not Covered - under this new Universal Healthcare?

Would it include Dental benefits? Chiropractic? Holistic? Hair Restoration? Restless Leg Syndrome? Erectile Dysfunction? If it didn't cover what you wanted would you still have to have purchase insurance if it was mandated? What about my choice? Could I lobby the Government to get my condition or medical specialty added to the minimum benefit package? Probably not.... I don't have enough money to lobby for myself or to pay for a professional lobbyist.

BUT drug companies and each medical specialty, from acupuncture to urology, will pressure the legislature to include their services in the minimum package. Now as the benefits package grows, so will the premiums. I've got to change careers!!


Peaches said...

Have you ever considered why they changed it to "universal Healthcare" from "Socialized Medicine".... Do you think it could be marketing?

The reason it won't work is the same reason Socialism dosn't work (unless it's true Socialism, but that's never been acomplished). Everyone is not equal. Some members will contribute a ton and get few benefits and others will pay little and take advantage of the service. So long as you have Marketing folks basically making up new ailments to get paid you will have drug companies spending money to convince people they need drugs and hey, it's free.

Just take these few that I could think of off the top of my head. RLS, Resless legs?!? try walking.
ADD, Now I have a name for having too much energy and hey Ritalin is much easier than good parenting...
My New favorite... Fibromyalgia (FM is a disorder classified by the presence of chronic widespread pain ,I think I have it right now, but it could just be soreness from my Lax game last night)
I'm sorry, "SOCIALIZED" medicine isn't going to work unless we do away with the social class structure and take away money and make everyone truely even, but that would require us to make everyone poor...

just my 2 cents.

Cindi said...

If it's going to be mandatory, then it should be basic health coverage which would have the basic benefits. I think if the government is going to make it mandatory, then they can pay for that basic coverage. Anything over and above should then be offered by employers as an addition to it. Like a riter on an insurance policy (since the employer would no longer be paying for the basic coverage, they could afford to kick that in for their employees).

I hope this makes sense - it's been a weird day :)