Mar 26, 2008

An 800 Pound Gorilla

"Everybody knows that there are a couple of 800-pound gorillas under the rug, but nobody wants to talk about them because that is not the route to the Oval Office," said economist Robert D. Reischauer, president of the Urban Institute public policy center. "The situation is unsustainable in the long run, but the long run is in the future, and our political system operates very much in the present."
Quote taken from LA Times.

I agree. If we know it's there and everyone is tripping over it why not acknowledge the beast and tell us what you are going to do. If you don't have an extermination plan let us know you don't. We know you don't just be a politician that tells the truth. Medicare and Social Security is not sustainable - I knew that in high school. The numbers back then told me that. Yes we could count that high back then!

I'm OK with the idea - I'll be paying into a system that I will never benefit from. I knew it was going to happen when my first paycheck arrived with all the deductions I gave to the Government. Some has to end the torture and I don't want it to be my kids. Do I like it? NO! Do I want someone else to bear the burden? Yes, but that is wrong. Social Security was not meant as a retirement plan. Do some research!


Cindi said...

Yeah - social security needed to end a long time before now - but I take issue with the govn't using money from those of us that have put into it to bail themselves out.

The money I worked for and earned that was taken out of my paychecks, I want back. If it's not going to be given back to me in monthly increments when I retire, then I want it back in a lump sum to re-invest elsewhere. Not my fault the govn't once again screwed up and can't seem to balance a flippin bank statement.

Just my 2 cents :)

Arizona said...

The issue started when the first gennerration to pay into SS . They weren't paiying into it for themselves they were paying into it for their parents. Kids are paying the debt of their parents. Do you really want to take from your parents or do you just want your kids to pay for you? If you choose the 2nd option...... then HAVE MORE KIDS!?

Cindi said...

Well, since I can't have more kids, I guess I'll settle for option 1, gol darn it.
